Before you can add an image / pdf to an article, you need to upload it to your site. All media (images & documents) are stored in the website's MEDIA MANAGER. This tutorial will provide you with the steps on how to add media to the MEDIA MANAGER.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not upload large images/pdf's & NO Capitals, Symbols or Spaces in the title of each image/pdf (e.g. my-title)
* Keep your PDF documents to a max 2Mb
* Images should not be larger than 640px X 640px (Open your image in Microsoft Office Picture Manager > Resize > Choose WEB LARGE > SAVE. REMEMBER - when you save it, it will save over the original image. If you want to keep the original, save the image under a different name / folder)
1. Login to your website. Go to CONTENT > MEDIA MANAGER
2. Media Manager can be divided into folders. You can upload your images/pdf's either directly under the root folder or within a folder. To upload an image/pdf to a specific folder, click on the folder to open it.
3. CREATE NEW FOLDER - to create a new folder for your content, click on the CREATE NEW FOLDER button TOP LEFT of page
3.1 This will open an empty box. Click the name of the folder (no Capitals, Symbols or Spaces) and press the button CREATE FOLDER
4. Upload image/PDF - click on the green button TOP LEFT titled "UPLOAD" of page
4.1 This will open the browse button option. Click on the BROWSE button & find the image/pdf on your computer. Click START UPLOAD
The image/pdf has now been saved on your site. To add it to a page, view the the TUTORIALS "Basic Guidelines - Add image to your page OR Add link/pdf to your page").